Ethiopia has been inhabited for thousands of years and archaeologists have uncovered dozens of ancient and prehistoric sites, with some human settlements dating from 800 BC. Over the centuries it has been a crossroads of African, European and the Middle Eastern cultures; of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It has seen the rise and fall of […]

Every year an event is celebrated by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church on the 10th of Tir, or 19th or 20th of January during a leap year of Georgian calendar called the Timket. Timket or Epiphany is an event which celebrated with great zeal, enthusiasm, and respect to commemorate the actual baptism of Jesus Christ in River Jordan. […]

Ethiopians follow a 13-month calendar similar to that used in many Eastern Orthodox churches, trailing the Western calendar by seven years and eight months. On the Gregorian calendar, the Ethiopian New Year falls on the 11th of September. According to the bible, God created the earth in September, and legend has it that King Solomon […]

Drive to Trinity Cathedral; where you find the burial place of members of the Imperial families and noted patriots of the war against the Italian invaders; the Cathedral was built in 1941 and it is the largest and the most magnificent of all the churches in the country ornamented with carvings, mosaics and other artistic works. […]