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Historical and Cultural Tour by Flight 9 Days

Timkat – Ethiopian Epiphany Jan 19 / 20

Every year an event is celebrated by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church on the 10th of Tir, or 19th or 20th of January during a leap year of Georgian calendar called the Timket. Timket or Epiphany is an event which celebrated with great zeal, enthusiasm, and respect to commemorate the actual baptism of Jesus Christ in River Jordan. […]

Meskal: Finding of the True Cross September 27

Now registered with UNESCO as an element of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, Meskel (27 September) commemorates the alleged 4th-century discovery of the True Cross on which Jesus was crucified. The centerpiece of this uniquely Ethiopian festival is the burning of a massive conical pyre called a Damera. The largest ceremony takes place in […]

Genna : Ethiopian Christmas January 07

Fasika: Ethiopian Easter

Fasika is Ethiopian Easter and is celebrated in conjunction with Orthodox Easter celebrations around the world.  Fasika is the most important holiday in the Ethiopian Orthodox calendar and follows a long 55-day fast, where no meat or dairy products are consumed.  Strict followers generally consume one meal of vegetables and lentils during this time.  Church services are attended […]

Enkutatash Ethiopian New Year September 11

Ethiopians follow a 13-month calendar similar to that used in many Eastern Orthodox churches, trailing the Western calendar by seven years and eight months. On the Gregorian calendar, the Ethiopian New Year falls on the 11th of September. According to the bible, God created the earth in September, and legend has it that King Solomon […]

Axum Tsion Mariam Celebration – Nov 29 & 30

Ashenda / Shadey Festival – August 23

Ashenda or Shadey is a festival celebrated starting from August 23rd in the Ethiopian regions of Tigray and Northern Amhara. Ashenda marks the end of a two-week-long fast called “Tsome Fisleta” when adherents of Orthodox Christianity gather to honor the Virgin Mary. The name of the festival Ashenda comes from the name of tall grass […]

Half Day City Tour – Addis Ababa

Drive to Trinity Cathedral; where you find the burial place of members of the Imperial families and noted patriots of the war against the Italian invaders; the Cathedral was built in 1941 and it is the largest and the most magnificent of all the churches in the country ornamented with carvings, mosaics and other artistic works. […]

Addis Ababa Full Day City Tour
